Our darkest fears and nightmares – at last we recognise. Our society, of our making, meets its fate.
Part man, part beast, part automaton – what are we? It is us and them.
Recognisable human beings and beasts that are physical manifestations of evil, tyranny, aggression, greed, addiction and debauchery – are everywhere. Masked officials infiltrate, and perpetrate acts of savagery and betrayal.
Devastation of the earth and of human kindness – little acts of care are vanquished. A shepherd, as carer, father and mother, will be attacked for who he is.
Trees watch and bear witness. Roots, branches and canopies of protection are ripped up.
Human vindictiveness and carelessness morph into natural disasters – spiralling down, swirling round, a vortex of chaotic fire and water and air.
Religions, in all their guises, are referred to, deferred to, then renounced and trounced.
Hell on Earth is now and for ever – not just the result of a virus, but the culmination of man’s destructive nature.
The planet may survive, but before that, man’s Hell on Earth will triumph.